
Friday, April 24, 2009

Jen and Matt's Engagement photos!

Going to the chapel
So to wrap up my summer wedding season I will be attending Jen and Matt's wedding in September. Jen and I met after she transferred up here from attending Colby Community College. It is easy to hit it off with Jen, she love to have a good time, is a great friend, and her fridge always has a cold Coors Light in it. When she first met Matt, I remember us Facebooking him the next day trying to figure how to say his last name - Dalrymple - its a tricky one!

Jen had asked me to take their engagement pictures, and we shot a few in February, but it was just too cold. So we planned on taking more the Friday before Brandy's wedding. Well, that is when another ice/snow storm hit Manhattan. We decided our last resort would be waking up early Sunday morning, after the wedding and trying some then. So at nine o'clock Sunday morning, after a long night of fun mind you, we headed outside and it was beautiful. It was a good thing they were the only ones that had to look good that day! 


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from all my readers. Hope you have a fabulous day.