
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

National Western Stock Show - Wordless Wednesdays

The black and white version. 

So a lot of blogs have these post called "Wordless Wednesdays," where the blogger posts a picture of two and then you get to just think and ponder. The thing is I am usually not so wordless.  So I am going to do a combination of pictures and thoughts - because I always have lots of thoughts.

On Saturday the Angus carloads and pens showed. Now if you can sit through this whole show props to you. I love being down in the yards on Saturday, we had beautiful weather and its nice to just sit back and evaluate the next generation on herd sires, the only problem is that the show takes a really, REALLY long time. That means I get board and end up snapping lots of random pictures.

Back to the point.

This is Justin. From the Sooline crew. They're Canadian. (And by the way they had Champion Pen.)

And this Geoff. Because you can't have a picture of Justin without Geoff. They're always together.

And these are the bulls. Justin and Geoff are two really talented guys. They know cattle, they know marketing and they know how to get one ready. And they are going to go far.

You'll notice in the coming days that I have a common theme to my pictures this year. We'll see if you can figure it out.


  1. Ah! Love your blog! I may not seem like the ag type, but I had an ag client for a while, and my fiance is from Wyoming! Thanks for the note! I saw it in my inbox and had to reply right away. You made my day!

  2. Awesome pics as always! You could always do Wordful Wednesday too. I have seen that a time or too in blog world. I am bound and determined to get my rear to the stock show next year!

  3. LOVE the last picture...very cool! Hey will I see you in San Antonio next week? Would love to say "Hi".

    Thanks for the comment on my blog!

    Have a fab Thursday!

  4. Thanks everyone for the great comments. And just a little note Christin has a really cool "city gal" blog. It makes me want to visit Memphis.


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from all my readers. Hope you have a fabulous day.