
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Yellowtail is listening to agriculture

Maybe that HSUS donation doesn't make as much sense now. 

Last week I let all my blog friends know that Yellowtail wine was making a $100,000 donation to HSUS. (click here to see the post) Obviously, this didn't sit too well in my books. Yesterday, I facebook I noticed some of my friends becoming fans of [Yellowtail] on facebook. What, wait a minute! We can be fans of this company! But the smart people of agriculture were using their voices.

Click here to she the hundreds of responses from pervious Yellowtail customers about their disappointment in Yellowtail's donation. And guess what Yellowtail was listening...

"Hi all, lots of conversation here today – we’re listening. Check back soon, as we’ll be announcing news shortly on our Tails for Tails program."
So what can you do. Click here or here and become a fan of [Yellowtail] - they have two fan pages, but I think the first one is the official one. Then write on their wall. Let them your disappointment, and how much agriculture means to you, and how little HSUS values that. You know I think they is really going to make a different. I feel the tides a turning one step at a time.

Oh look it is our good friend Debbie Lyons-Blythe from Life on a Cattle Ranch. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for standing up for agriculture! Here is a great blog to gain more information regarding the HSUS...extra good stuff on the "myth about the HSUS" link.


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