
Monday, May 31, 2010

Public perception of HSUS ad campaigns

Not as effective as you may think. 

Today I came across an interesting link on Twitter that lead me to this blog post. Greta from Fox and Friends is curious to know what people's reactions are to the ads that the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) on television. I hate those ads. I hate to see animals being abused or harmed. However, I also hate the fact that HSUS is a lobbyist group that wants to end animal agriculture and even pet ownership. They spend less than half of one percent of all those donations received on local animal shelters, and do not run an animal shelter themselves.

You can still vote on this poll by clicking on the link above. How would you vote? What's your opinion of those ads?

The graphic is a snapshot of the poll when I voted.


  1. 教育的目的,不在應該思考什麼,而是教吾人怎樣思考......................................................

  2. Thank you for posting Crystal! It is my hope Fox will listen.

  3. I just love (sarcasm) how people don't realize that the HSUS is different from the Humane Society that is in your community that you can adopt your animals from. They think it is the same thing. I wish someone would educate the public without agenda!


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