
Friday, November 19, 2010

DRIVE - another livestock magazine

Who says print is dead?

I remember when I was younger fighting everyone else in my family for the Simmental Country or Simmental Register magazines when they arrived in our mailbox. I would quickly flip through the pages to get a sense of who is doing what in the business. Today the same goes for the Angus Journal, the Showbox, Show Circuit, Livestock Plus, BEEF, Drovers, etc. However, the problem is I flip.

I honestly don't care to read another article about scours or pasture rotation or bull tests. Now I am not saying that these aren't important subject matters and I can't learn something from them, what I am saying is that the magazines I read have become saturated with these kind of production articles, and once you read one you have read all of them. OR on the other hand I am tired of flipping through pages and pages of ads and show results with no real content.

It wasn't until more recently that I have been inspired by livestock magazines again. First with Lot One, the magazine and now my most recent find DRIVE. Have you ever noticed people love reading about other people?

The magazine has all the usual advertising suspects in it, but their debut edition also had a number of great stories. They were about the people I respect in the business, were well written, and had great photography to accompany them. Currently you can read the issue online.

All the articles in this issue were teasers, with the full articles being revealed in their January issue, debuting at the National Western Stock Show.

And onto another note. If you are a magazine editor and you would like to know what I would be interested in reading Rachel Williams Cutrer's (Ranch House Designs) new Modern Livestock Merchandising hits the nail on the head. I am really hoping someone picks up this column soon, so I can start reading Rachel's wisdom.


  1. Thanks Crystal! I saw the Drive and I really enjoyed it too! I LOVE Lot One. When Brad came out with that a while back it was so unique! So refreshing to see actual articles that are beneficial to both adults and especially young people....compared to magazines that just have page after page of advertisng. But hey, Angus Journal is still tops in my opinion for having great stories!

    Thanks again for the mention about my new articles!

  2. You are correct! Drive sure has a nice on-line format. I am gonna have to keep my eye on this magazine. Thanks for the nice find!


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