
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Turquoise Thursday: Running in Turquoise Style

Just keep moving. 

My running shoes
in the cornfield.
Hi it's me. Your long lost friend. Where have I been, and why so few posts? Well it is cattle showing season. This summer I am traveling to six national cattle shows in five weeks, and currently I am almost done week one. It is a busy time for work, however I love traveling across the country to see so many friends.

All this travel means a lot of eating out. OK constantly eating out. Although the nights are busy with activities I know I also need to take care of my body. That means taking advantage of the hotel's workout room aka the treadmill.

Let me start out by saying I hate running. Really hate it. However, I fell so good afterwards. So I am promising myself to stick with it. I really want to be able to run three miles. I don't know if a 5K will be in the cards, just taking it one run at a time. I downloaded a free app on my phone. It is one of the couch to 5K apps, and so far so good. I think this little app might actually make me like running a little more. Maybe.

So wish me good luck. I know there are a few others out there that are runners. Anyone want to raise their hand?

My current running shoes Nike Free 3.0 V4. I love them.

But these Nike Free's are also pretty cool. Love the bright colors in all the running shoes this year.

I love these Turquoise and White Nike's. Although I don't know how clean they would say if I took a trip to the farm. 


  1. I need to do more running. I have the app too. Really wanting to get started atleast with some part of it.


  2. I've bridged from using the Couch to 5K app to the 10K and the half marathon one. They all work great to prepare you for your next race. Good luck!

  3. I have never done the cough to 5K thing...just started running with friends about 2 1/2 yrs ago. I do enjoy it...once I get going! Feel GREAT afterwards. Good for you to run on the treadmill...I HATE the treadmill! Go for the 5K~I recommend it. It gave me a goal to work for and feel good about afterwards!

  4. You will learn to love it! I promise...It still takes me getting about 2 miles in to really enjoy myself, but when I am done I feel so great! It will help you feel so much better one the road. I'll always be a sounding board for you. The Freds love running...and cattle. :)

  5. Funny, I don't love running either, but I do it occasionally. Wish I had time to do it more often but with two young boys I just can't seem to fit it in. I have no advice to offer, but I do have a re-cap of my last 5K....if I can do it, you can do it!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from all my readers. Hope you have a fabulous day.