
Friday, April 26, 2013

Why I Blog

One of the bloggers I follow, Blonde Ambition, decided to have little link up as to Why I blog.

I guess I do it for a variety of reasons. With my family and friends being spread all over the county, and in a second county, it is a way for them to get a little glimpse into our lives. Sometimes during those phone conversations you forget to share the small details of daily life, on my blog you get to see and hear about those events. Even our grandparents get on our blog to read about what we have been up to!

It's funny when you run into people and they ask you about something going on in your life, and you say to yourself, "I didn't think I had told them about that, oh right they probably read it on the blog."

The Boy and I on our way to have supper at his mom and dad's house. I brought Raspberry Yogurt Cake and will have the recipe posted soon!

I also blog because not everyone gets to live on a farm and be involved in raising their own food. I hope you enjoy the pictures of the baby calves, the corn and our daily life on a farm. And I hope you feel comfortable if you have a question about your food or farming that you'll ask.

Wearing my hot pink J.Crew shirt to do a little farm work. 

As proven by pictures like these J.Crew and farming can mix. And just because I love the farm and our cattle doesn't mean that I can't have a love for MAC make-up, heels and fashion.

p.s. this was last summer, and that corn is in some serious need of moisture. I also can't believe how  much longer my hair is right now!

How about you, why do you blog? Or maybe why do you love reading blogs (feel free to share some of your favorite ones with me. I love finding new ones). If you decided to share why you blog today be sure to link up with Blonde Ambition. Thanks for reading and have a great Friday! 


  1. Having a blog for family to read sounds awesome. I'm anonymous when I blog, but one day when I move away, I'll create one for friends and family!

    xoxo love the pink shirt

  2. I've just recently started letting people I know IRL read my blog and it's a little bit weird. I think that most of them do it because they are snoopy rather than actually care, but oh well. I guess if that's really what they want, so be it. I think blogging is a great way to share about your life!

    1. I love the style of your blog. A combination of little bits of life with fund finds and inspiration quotes.

  3. my grandparents read my blog, too. and they love it. always remembering to compliment me on it every time i see them.

    dropping by from the linkup

  4. I'm happy I found your blog through the link-up! I have a fascination with knowing where my food comes from and wish more people did too. It's great that you can share that journey with people. I'll definitely be back to see that recipe for the raspberry yogurt cake - sounds delicious!


    1. Thanks for stopping by Dana. I am really looking forward to reading you blog as well!

  5. Found you through the link up! I'm excited to start following, simply because I am interested in what your ag life is like, since I know nothing about that world! :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I am on my way to check out your blog now!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from all my readers. Hope you have a fabulous day.