
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Comments are Like Candy

Last week I made another step towards my 101 in 1001 goal list. I remember once hearing from another  blogger friend Katie Pinke that "comments are like candy," and it's true! Don't you get a little high when you see that someone has left you a comment? When I first started blogging I didn't think anyone was reading because I didn't get any comments. Even now lots of my blog posts don't get comments. However, through Google Analytics I know you are reading, you just aren't always commenting.

One of the goals I set for myself was to leave 25 comments on blogs in one week, and last week I accomplished that. There are so many blogs that I read, find interesting and even share with others, yet I don't take the time to leave a comment. Last week I wanted to share a little bit of "candy" and left lots of comments. I actually went over my 25 comment goal.

I hope I was able to spread a little cheer in some of my favorite bloggers lives. And maybe this week you'll consider leaving a few more comments on the blogs you love reading.


  1. I think blogs need "Like" buttons. I read a lot and enjoy them, but usually don't have much to say...

    1. Melissa, thanks for leaving this comment! I have seen a like button on some blogs. I might need to figure out how to get one of those.

  2. I accept your challenge and I shall start with you! :)

    Honestly, that has been a goal of mine recently..... I neglected all the other wonderful blogs out there as well! I want someone to feel just as good as I do when reading a comment.

    1. Wahoo! It's always fun to spread a little cheer.

  3. This sounds like a great "challenge" of sorts! I think I will try and do that throughout this upcoming week! Thanks for the great idea Crystal!

  4. This is awesome! What a great goal!

  5. Practicing my own words! Thank you for the shout out Crystal. I used to be a diligent and loyal commenting blogger myself and now read so many blogs on my phone and don't comment as often. I'm going to get back at it!

    1. Katie, I love reading your blog. Even though I don't have kids yet I feel like all your stories are going to come in handy one day!

  6. I love this analogy. So true! I know I get a bit of a high anytime someone recognizes what I do on any social channel. Thanks for the motivation to do the same for others.

  7. I really enjoy reading your blog!! From one cattle gal to another... Don't stop! I always read it! :):):)

  8. Thanks for stopping by and leaving some "comment candy" on my posts Crystal! I was pretty excited to see them :) I'll try to do better!

  9. I definitely ready more then I comment! I usually go through once a week and do all of my blog reading and catch up on what I have missed. Spreading the candy tonight : )

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  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I had the exact same feelings when I started blogging. I felt like no one was reading my blog because I wasn't getting any comments. I still don't get many at all but I know people are coming and looking at my posts because I too use GA.

    Love your blog! Keep up the good work!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from all my readers. Hope you have a fabulous day.