
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Peach Muffins

Dana and I windblown from looking at calves. 
Don't you love when you finally get to spend a weekend at home? The past two weekends have been full of fun trips to Texas to see my sister in law and Chicago for some cattle sales and the Zac Brown Band concert at Wrigley Field. This weekend was also packed with a trip to Illinois to drop off some cattle that we will be selling in a sale in October, an impromptu stop to look at some Hereford cattle in Wisconsin and then meeting up with my best friend for her family's Angus cattle sale. Can you see a theme here - lots of cattle sales going on right now. I told my husband that the best part about owning cattle is the friends we make and taking trips to look at their cattle.

However, after our 15 hour road trip yesterday it was really nice to wake up in our own bed this morning. I've had an itch to get some baking done, so after fences were fixed this morning the stove and oven were fired up.

First I made a batch of my corn/potato chowder soup for lunch, then it was a couple dozen of my mom's chocolate chip cookies, and finally a new recipe for peach muffins. After many requests from Facebook here is the recipe.

Crystal's Peach Muffins


3 cups all purpose flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon

3/4 cup white sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 large eggs at room temperature
1 cup milk (you can use 1%, 2% or whole)
1/2 cup canola/vegetable oil
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 cups peaches - I used frozen peaches that I defrosts in the microwave and then gave a touch chop. I am sure you could use fresh or drained can peaches as well.

Preheat the oven to 425F degrees, and place liners in muffin tin. This recipe with give you a dozen standard size muffins.

In large bowl mixed flour, caking powder, salt and cinnamon, and gently stir. Set aside.

In second bowl (I use my kitchen-aid mixer for this part) whisk eggs, white and brown sugar until combined. Add milk, oil and vanilla and stir. Take the wet ingredient bowl and gently fold (folding is different than stirring, here is a video) this mixture into your dry ingredients. You do not want to over mix as it will create hard muffins. Keep folding just until the wet mixture is coated. You batter will likely be lumpy and that's ok.

Fill you muffin liners almost to the top. Bake at 425F for 5 minutes, and then lower the temperature to 375F and bake for another 14-15 minutes. To check if they are done insert a toothpick and it should come out clean.

1 comment:

  1. These muffins look great and perfect for breakfast.


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