Now you might not think of farmers begin the centerpiece of a music video but recently I stumbled on such a thing. Nowadays there are all kinds of farmers. Marketing buzz words, political issues and a disconnect between the consumer and farmers has created a fair share of challenges. I don't think there is a day that passes that I don't see some sort of attack on farmers. There are big and small, organic and GMO, those that use antibiotics and those that don't, there are all kinds of farmers and we all choose the best path for our farms and families. This leads me to our WHY.
All farmers have their why. My WHY is this is my passion. I am in love, obsessed, infatuated with agriculture. I simply love being on a farm. I love raising our cattle. And I love that this way of life is also our business and my career.
Check out this awesome video from seventh farm family The Henningsens and if you love it click here. The Why I Farm movement is working to honor farmers and wants CMT and GAC to add it to their music airways.
Oh, this makes me teary! Love that song and video so much!