I live in town now, I have girlie hands that get ripped apart when I do gret onto a farm, and this is the worst part - if I had to blow dry more than four head of cattle my arm would probably be sore. I can hear my sister now - wimp.
However, that doesn't mean I don't miss showing and working with my cattle like crazy. Agribition, in November, is my once a year try and remember how to clip and fit session. And surprisingly I can still clip a top pretty good. The point of this blog is that it's Kansas Beef Expo this weekend, among many other jackpot shows and beef expos, and I won't be attending. 1. Because I don't even know hardly any of the young kids anymore (that makes me feel old), and it's no fun when you don't have a tack box to go sit on, and 2. I have Eby's bull sale and a wedding this weekend.
I did find these cute by T-shirts by Livestock Show Girls, and I wanted to share them with you, just incase you are hitting the show road this weekend.
p.s. I know I am getting more and more non-agriculture or non cattle people following my blog. If something doesn't make sense or you have a question please email me or post your question. I love hearing from you. crystal.cattle@gmail.com