This weekend the Boy once again proved that I am the luckiest girl in the world by proposing. After a year and week long relationship we have move from the dating zone to the engaged zone, and if it wasn't for all the wedding planning and sorting out life details I am pretty sure we would get married tomorrow.
Jon and I at his family's sale last weekend. |
I have been patiently waiting for a ring for a little while now. Jon (by the way that is the Boy's real name) instructed me last fall to go and look at rings and decide on a style I liked. At the time he thought he might propose when we traveled back for Agribition a cattle show in Canada, it was also going to be the first time my parents and Jon met. However, as our departure date got closer Jon decided it wasn't quite the right time, and he would wait. (I did not know any of these facts until recently).
Christmas went by, a trip to Chicago for New Year's went by, the Denver Stock Show went by, Valentine's went by, my Birthday went by, Easter went by, and no ring. My parents wanted to make a trip to see Jon and I this summer so I had surrendered to the fact that he would wait and ask my dad in person. That summer trip is actually next weekend. In my brain I had constructed a timeline that Jon will wait and ask Dad next weekend, and then if he has a ring it might be then, otherwise it would be sometime in June or July. Little did I know he had other plans.
I arrived in Iowa late Friday night and we decided to go see Hangover 2 (definitely recommend it). Before the movie started I asked Jon what was up, he seemed uneasy and anxious. Jon quickly brushed it off as nerves about my parents coming next weekend. Although, I reassured him that everything was going to go great, I understood his nervousness. (After the proposal he told me that he wasn't at all nervous about my parents coming, but he needed an excuse to cover up his nerves about proposing.)
Jon said "hey" and I turned around to find him on one knee the grass. And that's when I am pretty sure my heart stop. I was not expecting at all. And then in such a romantic way I say "Are you kidding me" and give him a little push. It was a good are you kidding me, like you completely surprised me, I had no idea that kind of kidding me. The next part is a little blurry, somewhere in there he said will be marry me, I said yes, I said you should probably put it on my finger, I definitely had tears in my eyes. Just like that we were engaged, out in the field with all those Hereford cows - and it was perfect!