Monday, March 10, 2014

My Fitness Pal App Discovers

For almost three weeks I have been using the app My Fitness Pal thanks to a close friend and Prairie California recommendations. I haven't been living a super healthy lifestyle and this app has definitely gotten me motivated to get back on track.

So what does the app do?

1. It helps me count calories - EASILY. You can use the barcode scanner to quickly find input foods into your food diary. The database also has thousands of items that you can search through, and recipes are also easy to add. This was really important to me because we do a lot of cooking in this house.

2. It has shown me that I can eat a lot of food in a day. I am definitely not starving myself. Some days I find it a challenge to consume all 1,400 calories that I am supposed to be eating to meet my health goals. It also helps me stay away from junk so that I can eat lots of good food in a day.

3. It motivates me to workout. I still need to increase this part of my healthier lifestyle, but I need to continue to work on the amount of exercise I am putting in during a week.

What I have learned?

Each day you get a nutrient breakdown with your total, goal and what you "left on the table." What I am finding is that even though I am eating healthy and taken a multivitamin I am still falling short of calcium and iron daily recommendations pretty consistently. I drink milk and eat quite a bit of cheese, and pretty much everyday I am having at least one serving of beef, which is a good source of iron. However, this little chart is telling me I need to find some additional sources of calcium and iron.

I have a big bag of frozen broccoli in the fridge that I know will help, however I think I better find some other foods because I won't lie broccoli isn't my absolute favorite. I know that I can also change my multivitamin to a women specific vitamin for more calcium and iron, but maybe my readers have so suggestions or maybe it is time to meet with a dietitian at our local health clinic.

Have you set any health goals for yourself this spring?


  1. I use my fitness pal too!!! I have a fitbit that I wear on my bra strap and the aria scale. They all update together so when I've had a good workout day, my fitness pal adjusts the amount of calories I should eat accordingly. I love it!

    1. Farm Barbie - I LOVE my FitBit too!!

    2. Hmm, I am going to have to look into this Fitbit.

  2. I love MyFitnessPal!! It helps me keep myself accountable & I like that you can cheer others on as well!!

  3. i use My Fitness Pal helps me keep fit and comfortable..

  4. I need an app to belittle and berate me. It needs to call me fat, lazy and worthless and then yell at me while I workout haha. That is an app that would motivate me to workout haha.


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