Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Breast Cancer as a New Mom with Brooke Clay Taylor

Elope to Montana - check. Hallmark style wedding photos - check. Get pregnant and deliver the most beautiful baby girl - check. Find out you have breast cancer the same day you give birth to that beautiful baby girl - check. Brooke Clay Taylor has checked it all off. She is 32 years old, and has lived a life of joy and adventure, but breast cancer was what was going to really to put her to the test.

With no history of breast cancer in her family, Brooke managed to grow at 6 cm tumor in her breast while growing Elsie in her tummy. Brooke has let her cancer journey be an open book. Through the hashtag #kbyecancer she has united an army that is taking control of their own health and connected other young women with a similar diagnosis. She also needs our support and prayers.

After a successful career in marketing, communications and public relations, Brooke launched her own media and creative business Rural Gone Urban. When you are self employed it might seem like it is pretty simple to give yourself a maternity level. Yet, when you are self employed and you stop working you also stop getting a paycheck. Brooke had a plan in place to be able to still take on those jobs she describes as "being able to do while rocking a sleeping baby" but when you have cancer, and then go through an unplanned surgery for a staph infection and now can't life your arm that throws a kink in things. So does 1.5 hour one-way trips to Tulsa for chemotherapy.

One of the biggest lessons I learn from Brooke's interview is that we are often quick to offer help. But, that help can become almost burdensome if our offer is left too open ended. For someone that isn't used to asking for help or doesn't want to be a pain it can be hard for them to speak up and say, "Yes, I need help and I would specifically like you to come over and help with laundry."

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but there are four simple things you can do at anytime to support Brooke and take control of your own health.

  1. Take the Bright Pink Quiz. This will help you determine what your risk factors are and help you start a conversation with your doctor. 
  2. Donate to Brooke's Go Fund Me and follow her at RuralGoneUrban
  3. Purchase a bracelet or lipstick from my Bright Pink Boutique. 20% of the proceeds will go to Bright Pink, and 20% will go to Brooke's Go Fund Me. 
  4. Sponsor a warrior bracelet or lipstick to be given to a women fighting breast cancer, plus a donation will be made to Bright Pink and Brooke. Send $29 to paypal.me/crystalblin to sponsor. 
Brooke's Recommendations: 
Book to Read: 100 Day to Brave
A person to follow: @stacypearcecreative 
Make-up recommendation: Tarte Shape Tape Concealer
Brooke's Wigs: Wigs.com and Amazon
Goin Coastal Fundraiser T-Shirt

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  1. Great podcast. Such an amazing, strong, mother and woman!


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