Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Calling all fans of barnyard beauty (and city beauty too)

Make-up, skincare, and lip balm

I am crazy about make-up. Some girls get crazy about shoes or boots, some love boutiques, I love make-up. I really have to use strong will power to control how much make-up I actually purchase. Living in kind of the middle on now where Iowa (this post explains it) has really helped keep thing under control.

This site makes me giddy. FYI no all this fabulousness is not mine. 
On Thursday (Jan 26) all of us make-up lovers can come together in the Rockin Rural Women Twitter and Facebook beauty chat! That's right a place for all of us ladies to chat about must-have-it products, best deals, where to shop online, home made remedies, etc. I know there are others out there. Just like this post from Debbie Lyons 

To join in all you have to do is follow the #rockinruralwomen hashtag on Twitter or visit the Rockin Rural Women Facebook page at 9 PM CST and join in on the conversation. I'll be moderating the Twitter chat and Amy Charest will be asking the questions on Facebook. Hope to chat with you! 


  1. Holy makeup, woman! I suppose it might be a little bit cheaper habit than boots but really! Hahaha

  2. I love having a makeup collection that looks just like that thanks to my Mary Kay life! Hope the chat goes well!

  3. I have a makeup AND jewelry problem.

  4. You are such a girlie girl and I loooooove it!

  5. Looks like we are all in the same boat! Hope you girls will join in.

  6. Holy makeup! I might have to join in :))

  7. Amanda, you should definitely join in. There are going to be some awesome ladies chatting.

  8. WOW girl I'm that way with hair products ask my mother its out of control!! the better smelling they are the more they become a MUST HAVE! haha


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from all my readers. Hope you have a fabulous day.

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