Farm On has been asking farmers to share their stories using the hashmark #FarmVoices. If you are on Twitter, Instagram or Vine check out the great posts from people around the world.
I've been using the #FarmVoices hashtag for a while now and thought I would share with you a couple videos and photos from our farm.
I've been using the #FarmVoices hashtag for a while now and thought I would share with you a couple videos and photos from our farm.
(To hear sound hover your mouse over the top lefthand corner of the video and a little sound button will appear. Click on that.)
I call this steer Big Ben because 1. he is bigger than all the other steers, and 2. he is really gentle. Our steers are getting close to the end of their lives. Since this fall they have been eating lots of corn and getting really fat. Soon it will be time to harvest them. We feed them corn twice a day. However, during the day they like to stick their heads in the hay ring or lounge around. Below is a picture of them from this weekend.
These same steers and the bull on the other side of the fence were a little restless this week so the Boy and I had some fence fixing to do. It is amazing all the farmgirl things you can do in a hot pink J. Crew shirt.
And finally, I had to go back in time a little bit and show you this video of a brand new baby calf. It is pretty cool to watch these little guys be born. We only have one cow left to calf. All the babies and their moms have been moved out to the big pasture. They are wanting that combination of sun and moisture as much as I am, as they are ready to start eating some green grass!
Happy Earth Day to you all, and remember to thank a farmer for taking care of the land everyday.
Dairy cattle farming is more simpler than with beef cattle. Dairy cows are bred to give birth to a calf in order to produce milk. Calves are separated from their dams after a couple days then calves are put for sale.