Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Squad Life: Be the Hero of Your Own Story

Being a farm girl myself you had to know that it won't be long until I invite a fellow boss farm girl onto the Squad Life podcast. Danielle Hayden was the perfect place to start. Not only are her husband, Daniel and her changing the imagine of agriculture, but she recently hit the five year anniversary of her photography business Two Arrows. Only 50% of small businesses make it to five years, but Danielle gives tangible tips on how she proved the odds wrong.

We cover all the buzz words like the Enneagram and self care, but what makes Danielle truly amazing is that she doesn't just talk about these things. She has put them in to play to literally change the trajectory of her health, marriage and business.

Danielle's Recommendations:
Book: Where the Crawdads Sing

Beauty Products: Beauty Counter and Drunk Elephant C-Firma Day Serum
Personality Tests: Enneagram Institute 
Instagram: @haydanib or @twoarrowsphoto

If you loved this episode, don't forget to subscribe on iTunes or Spotify, share a screenshot on social or send me a message. Join our community on Instagram by using the hashtag #thesquadlife and tag @crystalcattle.

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  1. Cool to see and hear this today. Sometimes you can run on airplane fuel and sometimes you need to stop. I am in stop mode but I feel like it's time to fly again. At one point in my life I had a horse ranch, was transitioning to acreage, had a photo studio, operated a candy shop, building a new place, four kids under grade 8 , upgraded college courses to start a new life. I was living large and then....stop. Mom figured I had a nervous breakdown but didn't take time to have it. Things had to change. I wondered what all the figures meant in our finances and took a course for ag development. The first exercise which we thought was gravy, was the meat and potatoes of our operation. Goal setting! We made short and long term goals for family and farm. Years later I found those forms and was amazed at how many things had come to be. Time to do it again! Thanks for your post.

    1. Thank you so much Patti for being vulnerable and sharing your story. I hope you continue to enjoy the podcast.


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from all my readers. Hope you have a fabulous day.

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