It is hard to believe that I have now had my blog up for a year. Today I went back and read that first blog post. It is amazing how things have changed. When I first started I thought it would be a great way for family and friends to stay up-to-date on my traveling, the millions (OK, just a lot) I was invited to last year, and little bit about being a farm girl.
Then the plans changed. I finally added Google analytics to my blog in August, and between the data I was getting back and my increasing followers I realized that it wasn't just family and friends that were interested in what I was saying. Now my blog gives a good dose of how you can be an "agvocate" for agriculture, how you can look that part with a fine pair of cowboys, and sometimes just random off the wall things you should know - like where to find a pink plastic guitar that will hold 80 oz. of liquid in Vegas.
So thank-you to all of you that tune in and read what I have to say. I love your comments, meeting fellow bloggers, and realizing that many of us all share the same ideas, troubles and successes.
Make sure you become a follower so you know when the next post is up! And with that I give you my top five blog posts since April 3, 2009.
2 Bar West Purses
Still don't have one, still love looking at them!
Tough Enough to Wear Pink
Congrats to the Collegiate Cattlewomen on another awesome year. Very proud of you girls.
No more Yellowtail for me thank-you HSUS
I know they said they would no longer donate, but that still doesn't change my mind.
I can feed the world - Jill Harvie
This is a great example of telling your story and I was glad I got to work with Jill on it.
Now these are boots
I told Katie Marston I would make her boots famous. And many other pairs have been posted about since then.
A few people have asked me about this picture this year. It was taken out on the Laflin Ranch last fall.
Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Always so interesting to read your posts. Looking forward to your second year.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Nancy!