Last weekend I got to head south with the boy to a friends wedding. Now first let me explain we call these holiday weekends, long weekends in Canada. No one seemed to have a clue what I was talking about when I kept on referring to the Labor Day weekend as the long weekend.
Back to the topic. We fly into Fort Worth on Thursday and stayed with the boy's sister and her fiance. The next day they treated us to a quick tour of the Superior Livestock Auction building where the fiance works, and then some amazing BBQ at Coopers, all down in the Stockyards. The Brisket and the blackberry cobbler were amazing, and trust me Texans know how to do both of these the best.
Then it was off to San Angelo, just a mere four hour drive south. ugh. However prime opportunity for me to take pictures, and maybe complain a little that we couldn't stop at every western decor home store we saw. Texas I will return.
We did drive through Dublin, home of Dr. Pepper. I always get excited about tourist things like this. This is what it looks like on the drive by.
And although, we we greeted by a beautiful sunset as we entered San Angelo. It was time to wear some engergy off.
And so as is tradition, if you are going to sing karaoke, you better sing Sweet Caroline.
The boy's sister and I were very excited to be on stage.
Also, a note to those that like to sing karaoke. It helps if you turn the microphone on. We didn't realize it was off until half way through the song. Which, actually may have been a good thing.
Stay tuned. Part II to be reveled later in the week. And there may or may not be more karaoke and a picture of the boy.
Karaoke! You are a brave girl!.....was there an alcolholic beverage or three involved?! ;) Sounds like a ton of fun.