Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Crystal Cattle photos turned into artwork

That's John.
My photo in pencil

I have this friend named John. He is a pretty cool guy. (He's probably going to read this, so I have to say those kind of things.) I met John while on the Livestock Judging Team at Butler, and John also ended up at K-State like I did. And although I like to think I am a pretty good evaluator of livestock, John is really good. At the National Western Stock Show John was the High Individual (best of them all) in the Senior College Judging Contest, thus earning himself a trip to Alberta, Canada, to do a little judging up there. 

I'll never forget John calling me a couple days before his trip asking if I had any idea of who was going to pick him up from the airport because he had lost the contact number of the lady helping organize the trip. I was spending the summer down in the States, but I put John in touch with my family and they took care of him for the week.

Last year, John was asked to judge one of the Sheep shows at the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) aka Louisville. Since, I was also there at the same time for the cattle shows, and had my camera in hand I decided I would see if I could get a couple snapshots of him judging. (My DRIVE magazine cover actually came from these photos.)

Another one of the pictures I took.

But, this is the picture I want to draw your attention to.

Because this got turned into this

John's Judging Team had this picture drawn for him. The artist is Tonja Rose Shudy, and although we haven't met in person I think you do incredible work!

p.s. Don't forget to refollow this blog and update your bookmarks. This will be my new url. 


  1. Alissa JohnsonJune 15, 2011

    I was lucky enough to be on one of John's judging teams at South Dakota State University, and to say that he is a good evaulator of livestock is an understatement. I'm very thankful for everything he taught me, especially about sheep. The picture is great!

  2. Lol I am the artist! That's so cool, thanks for blogging!

  3. That is very cool.Tonja is an incredible artist what a nice acknowledgement of your photography skills.B

  4. AnonymousJune 16, 2011

    Love this, Crystal! It's great!


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