Monday, August 29, 2011

Camping by the cornfield - 101 update

That list keeps on staring at me.

I always get lot of questions about my 101 list on the side of my blog. It actually wasn't my original idea to do a 101 in 1001 list, there is a whole website dedicated to the idea. When I started 1001 days seemed like lots of time to complete the list, but as I am getting closer there are some things that need to be knocked out.  And the Boy helped me do just that this weekend.

When I arrived at our future home in Iowa the Boy said he had to burn some cardboard. Great a mini campfire sounds fun. It was very dark out by this point, with only a little bit of light coming from the yard light, and cardboard was not lighting very efficiently. As my eyes adjusted to the low light I saw something behind the house, but I couldn't quite tell what it was. I asked the Boy, "What is that over there." There have been painters at the farm all week working on some of the silos, and the Boy responded, "It must be something of the paint crews."

I thought his answer was a little odd, I mean why would the painters put something behind the house. The cardboard caught fire and there was the real answer. The Boy had bought a tent and it was all set up right beside the cornfield!

Our new tent, right beside the cornfield. 

The boy gets major props for doing this. He is not a big fan of camping or tenting as I like to call it, and sure enough he didn't have the best sleep in the world. The next morning went like this. 

Me: How did you sleep

Him: Not good. It was too noisy.

Me: Oh I like the sound of the crickets, and wind moving through the corn

Him cutting me off: and the AIR CONDITIONER! 

I guess next time we'll have to move the tent a little further away from the house! I still had a blast. Stay tuned because tomorrow I'm announcing an awesome giveaway and on Wednesday I will have one of the best corn reports yet. 


  1. Our grand kids just love to camp out in their back yard even though the next house if about 150 feet away. ;)

  2. Sarah ThomasAugust 29, 2011

    Wow way to go for the Boy! Does he have a brother by any chance?:) I am so glad you finally slept in a tent! Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great week!!!!

  3. You two look awesome - Crystal if you wake up looking that stunning - we might be friends off. Just joking!! Nice work Jon.

  4. hahaha that's awesome! When is your time up on that? I still have until like June of 2013

  5. No brother, just a sister getting married this weekend! Details to come on that. Robyn, definitely had showered before that photo. Nicole, mine is Feb 2012 - so soon!


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