Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Feed Sacks Bags

Who knew feed sacks were so fashionable.

I have been seeing feed these pop up quite a bit lately in a variety of forms, but now farmers and ranchers have one more way to be environmentalists - by doing a little repurposing of feed sack and feed bags.

I love this travel bag made of burlap feed sack. Be sure to check out Lost Property of London they have a bunch of really cool feed sack bags of all shapes and sizes. I kind of have this things for burlap.

Source: etsy.com via Crystal on Pinterest

This is another really cool vintage feed sack bag that I found through my Pinterest account. 

I have seen lots of these plastic feed sack bags at the cattle events I attend. I think you could make these pretty easy. Check out this Etsy store to see lots of different feed sacks that have been turned into bags.

And here is an awesome tutorial on how to make feed sack bags from my friend at the House that Built Ag. 


  1. lovin these bags! thanks for sharing.

  2. found my Christmas gift for J! thanks!!

  3. Kim Tarvis makes these too - I got a great one made out of a horsefeed bag a few years ago. Great idea!

  4. I absolutely love these Crystal!

  5. I love these! They remind me of this post I just saw the other day!

  6. AnonymousMay 11, 2011

    These are to funny. about 15 years ago i made a garment bag out of one of our old G5 Feeds Feed sack as a joke for a friend. Mom said i was crazy for taking so much time making it look like a real garment bad with zippers and a handle to hang it. Who Knew? I had something there and didn't even know it!
    Kim Matthews

  7. I came on here to thank you for the link to my feed bag to reusable bag tutorial and I don't see it anymore.

    I love these! The travel bag made from the burlap feed sack is my favorite!

  8. These are great! Love them!


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