Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A year has gone by.

The biggest update of them all. 

A year ago today I started my 101 in 1001 list. The goal is to have 101 goals (you'll see them down the side of my blog) completed in 1001 days. the ones highlighted in white are completed. Only 636 days left, eek! Actually, the reason why I like this idea is you have 2+ years to complete everything, which seems a lot more manageable and up my alley than the typical this year I will.....

So how are things coming? Here's the numbers.

23 Goals completely. Wahoo. 

17 Goals are partially completed. Good.

61 Things aren't started. Ugh. 

Areas that I need to improve on. Financial area. Yup that's not going so hot. I started to take the Dave Rasmey course after I made my list so that's not on there, but other areas need a little attention.

Keeping you updated on how my progress is going. For example I made another new recipe this week, and I donated food through the Postal Office Food Bank drive. Need to post my progress more often.

Also, the Creative Area could use some work. I have been looking through all my old college photos, putting together a slideshow for Emilie's upcoming wedding, and I really need to get these in a scrapbook.

I also have to get better at mailing out birthday cards on time. My sister's (which her bday was on May 3rd) is still sitting on my dresser waiting to be sent. Bad CY!

There are a few things like make a name for myself, say I am sorry, make a wish, find a new friend that I am all getting closer to. However, I don't think I will scratch them off the list until my last day.

So friends - make you own list, or try and keep me accountable! For inspiration you can visit the blog of the creator of 101 in 1001.


  1. haha you told me that it was in the mail already!

  2. Love reading through your goals........and your blog! Stumbled on yours through 'farmers trophy wife.'

    Thanks for sharing some of your life!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from all my readers. Hope you have a fabulous day.

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