Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I can feed the world - Jill Harvie

Keep on telling your story.

Last week I mentioned that I was working on a really cool project with the Five Nations Beef Alliance. My good friend Jill Harvie, works for the Canadian Cattlemen's Association and asked if I would come speak to their Young Ranchers Round Table, on social media and video work, while I was out in Denver.

Jill and I both agreed that often when we go to these conferences or meetings there is a lot of talk about what should be done, but more often than not their is no real tangible outcome. Well we decided we would change this. Jill wanted the participants to tell their stories. It was amazing to hear that Australia is facing many of the same problems with consumers viewing agriculture negatively that we are. To counteract this they have taken some really interesting proactive steps to ensure that agriculture is self-regulated and participating in practices that consumer feels good about.

Jill tells her own story below. She did all the video work herself, and then I edited it together. The fact is consumers want to know, and we have to be available to answer their questions.


  1. Great video girls! Jill what you and your family do for the agriculture industy is really amazing. Keep up the great work!

  2. Nice video work ladies (I was a little squeamish about girls). Very provocative and well meaning. I hope I have the chance to participate in and advocate for agriculture on such a successful level in the future.

  3. Wow! I'm constantly amazed - good job! Also - Stacy, what a good article you had in LOT ONE! Keep up the good work!

  4. Stellar Video Jill and Crystal! It gave me chills! LOVE IT!

  5. Thats for the article comment. Its easy to write good stuff when you have great people to write about!

  6. Thanks everyone! Jill's video is really picking up steam on YouTube. Hopefully, we will be telling more of the Young Ranchers stories in the coming months.


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from all my readers. Hope you have a fabulous day.

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