Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lewis Farms - generations of Simmental cattle


So I mentioned this summer that I got to go my first cattle shoot that wasn't strictly Angus. Lewis Farms and my family go way back, my dad and mom helped manage the place when I was just a baby, and I spent the next six years growing up on that farm. The Lewis and Buba families are truly family to me.

 It is great to see a farm that have been in the family for four generations, with three of those generations still active in the day to day duties. And with a pretty sharp set of grandkids ready to take over the wheels I think they are going to be in pretty good shape. Last week we put the finishing touches on the video as Lewis Farms begins to prepare for their Bull Sale on February 27th.

So hear it is...


  1. You're so talented Crystal! Awesome video. I'm so honored to call you a friend Crystal - you're such a talented woman and your passion for life and agriculture comes through everything that you do.

  2. Hi Crystal...Love your blog!! I liked the belt that you wrote about so much (awhile back) that I blogged about it too...Check it out!



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