Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Statue is Worth a Thousand Words

Compliments of my awesome friend CGood.

CGood and I are both contributing writer for the Young Producers' Council Beef Blog - Cattle Call. Yesterday, she had a really great post that I would encourage you to read. I agree 100% with CGood, sometimes it is really frustrating to hear what the media and uneducated consumers are saying about us. As producers we just have to remember that we know the truth, we know that the land and livestock are our number one priorities, and that we are going to have to make extra effort to educate the world as we try to feed them.
However, they (PETA and HSUS) are still a small number of people who make a lot of noise. An overwhelming 97.4 percent of Americans eat meat and farmers and ranchers are selected as trustworthy professions in opinion polls.


  1. Thanks for the shout out Crystal! It's important to remember that we're on the home team.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Crystal. I'm now a follower of the Young Producers' Council blog....and I found a blog from an ag lawyer on there. Fantastic stuff!

  3. It is nice that we can all we on the same team together.


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