Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Best of the Barn Awards

And the Oscar goes to...

Wow did this morning ever start off great! As I went through my morning routine checking YouTube statistics, following Twitter, checking the six (yes, six) facebook pages I manage something caught my eye.

Posted on my Crystal Cattle facebook page

I was thinking cool, this must be what Rachel from Ranch House Designs had been talking about as their big surprise. They are always thinking outside the box and a Best of the Barns contest sounded pretty neat. So I went to the website and...

My blog is nominated! 

And so I am! I am beyond honored that I am being recognized for helping tell agriculture's story. I love cattle, I love the show ring, and I love talking to consumers. But that wasn't all!

The I am Angus project that I work on is also nominated. We might not ever get a Oscar for the more than 300 videos we have produced, but to receive this kind of recognition is awesome!

So now here is where you come into play. I would love your support by visiting and voting. You can vote once per day. During the next week, I'll also be highlighting some of my other favorite agriculture and cattle services that have been nominated. 

p.s. Isn't this a great logo. I always love Ranch House Designs work. 


  1. Oh my goodness, I love that you didn't know. I voted for you yesterday because Lindsay Allen emailed me about it and she had got it from Kristi Bishop...I'm starting to think we have several friends in common...

  2. Congratulations that is really awesome! Will go vote now!

  3. Very exciting and fun! Congratulations!!!

  4. How exciting! I've just put in todays vote for you, will keep putting one in every day...congrats!

  5. Thank-you so much for all your support!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from all my readers. Hope you have a fabulous day.

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