Friday, April 3, 2009

The first one...

Getting Started.

So I have had this blog since last summer, but it has remained empty. This is the first Friday night that I haven't had to be somewhere or doing something. So instead it is 11:40 p.m. (I should be using this opportunity to catch up on sleep), but I am working on my blog. I have become a big blog reader lately. I spend my first hour of work each morning just reading. I'll make sure to share some of my favorite blogs with you later on. Hope you enjoy the reading, don't be afraid to leave a comment, and bear with me as I figure this thing out!

Oh and my sister, Chels and Robyn have inspired me to do this too. 


  1. I'm SOOOO excited for you Crystal! Your blog looks AMAZING!!! Love the layout and color scheme - mmm...I have butterflies flying through me for you! The quote you referenced is my own ;) Thanks for using it - I'm pumped that you loved it as much as I like to say it! I look forward to keeping up with your travels and amazing life! Live with Passion, Your Friend, Robyn

  2. Crystal this looks great. It makes me feels like you are a little bit closer to home.

  3. Congrats Crystal! The blog looks awesome and I look forward to keeping up with you through it. Best wishes!

  4. Thanks girls for the comments! I am going to try to keep it updated. I think I have golfing, maybe some wii fitness and a pig sale to talk about this week!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from all my readers. Hope you have a fabulous day.

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