Friday, April 17, 2009

Starting the day off right!

A little cheer to get you going...

There are two ladies that I know that are the most upbeat and  positive people I have ever met. We'll refer to them as "bird" and "Miss EX." Neither of these ladies have ever met, but they just radiate with happiness and hopefulness, and not the kind that makes you sick cause they are so gung-ho all the time. The kind that puts a smile on your face. I think if they ever met they would likely solve all the world's problems in just one sitting over coffee!

This morning I received a text message from "bird" it said, "Good morning friends! Happy Friday! Hope you have an amazing day! Love Your Favorite Bird!" Very simple, but when it is nine o'clock on a Friday morning and you just want the weekend to start, it sure lifted my spirits up! My other dear friend Miss EX always has the most inspirational Facebook statuses. She always reminds me of the awesomeness of God, and that there is always something positive to look forward to. Her status this morning read, "...have a Postively Ex~citing weekend ahead, filled with MK Pink, EX Blue, Fiddlin @ Cowboy Hall & special times w/ special people! Have a FABULOUS FRIDAY! 

Both gals wrote just a simple note that impacted my day. Our words can easily make a difference in others lives. Think about the next time you want to put a smile on someone else's face. Now I am encouraging you to have a wonderful Friday and weekend. I am off to a sale and then Stillwater, Okla., for a show this weekend and I can barely sit still. I love this time of year!


  1. Amazing entry - you're beautiful Crystal!! I look forward to hearing of a "Miss EX" and "Bird" date! Have a fabulous weekend - love Stillwater - please have cheese fries for me - mmm...Eskimo Joes!! Is it lunch yet? Travel safe diva!!

  2. Wow - this truly inspired me! Thank you for making my day!! ps-I will be visiting Kansas this June when I travel to Iowa for my ultrasound re-cert. One of my ultrasound tech friends lives there (an amazing woman) so we have an extra couple days to do some touring around! They live near Wellsville. Maybe you'd have some ideas of places we could see? I've never been to Kansas before!

  3. Shari, you'll have a ton of fun. You have to have your friend take your to Nigro's Western Wear in Kansas City. You won't find a better place to buy boots and jeans. I have bought three pairs of ostrich skin wood and crepe soles from them for $290 a pair - Justins! Just make sure you mention you know the Canadian girl.

    Also, you are probably going to drive right by my place on the way up to Iowa. I am just off of Hwy 29, so maybe we'll have to get together for lunch! Have a great weekend.

  4. Crystal
    A great post, you make my day brighter just reading the thoughts you place here. I also seen a video today that inspired me. Have a look, it truly is amazing as are you. Have a great weekend and safe travels.

  5. Thank you so much for the suggestions Crystal!! I definitely want to check out that western wear store! That would be really cool if we were able to meet up for lunch or something...we'll keep in touch! I am getting excited about the trip more & more as each week passes! Thanks again!


Thanks for stopping by! I love to hear from all my readers. Hope you have a fabulous day.

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